Control Sticks, elevator, aileron torque tubes
It's been quite a while since I've made an entry as I have spent more time than I ever imagined, painting the wings, fuselage, control surfaces, pretty much the entire airplane, except for the canopy, and the upper or top of the fuselage.
I have read and heard from many others that getting the alignment dead on perfect for the elevator torque tube and control sticks is quite challenging. Many share the idea of sanding the tube portion that fits into the phenolic bushing to keep from binding. However, I found that using valve grinding compound with the bushing and the tube together was quite helpful in alleviating the binding. I had to assemble and disassemble, the control sticks and torque tubes about three times before I finally got it right. I have riveted everything in place and all linkage is assembled and connected (except for the jam nuts on the rod ends) The movement in all directions is smooth. However, the movement is not exactly 100% frictionless as I have connected both auto pilot servo push rods to the linkage and there's just a tiny bit of drag.

This post is from Sling TSi (Bald Pilot)