Horizontal Stab #1 - Chapter 8 page 2
Progress Today:
- Pick all of my Parts for the Horizontal Stab. (Oh Man this is going to be a lot of deburring) Embrace the suck... 🙄
- Removed the Blue and Deburred the HS-903-1 and the HS-906 Doubler.
- Match Drilled #30 all the common Holes to the Spar and the Doubler.
- Installed the 912 Brackets with Cleco’s and final drilled them #30 into the web of the HS-903 and used a #12 to final drill the main hole on the bracket.
- Removed all of the parts and debuted them and sanded them. Prepped for primer and primed the mating surfaces between the 912 brackets and the 903-1 Spar and the 906 Doubler.
- Assembled all the parts again and have them prepped for Rivets... this is the last step for page 08-02.

This post is from Jeff's RV-14A