Patrick's Sling TSi

Week 2 - Horizontal Stabilizer & Elevator

After receiving the correct size plastic bushings I drilled out the wire holes to the correct size and installed the wire for the elevator trim motor. I used stick on zip tie mounts to keep the wire in place and I will add edge protector to the hole where the wire passes through the back of the horizontal stabilizer.

When that was done the skins could be installed. After clecoing the skins to the frame I checked the alignment with a laser level. After a couple of adjustments everything seemed to be lined up well. The skin was then permanently riveted to the frame. The alignment still looked good after riveting.

With the horizontal stabilizer complete, I then moved on to the elevator assembly. The new method of prepping, cleaning and priming worked well on all the elevator parts. I also started using a heat gun to speed the primer curing process. This let me handle the parts much sooner. By the time I finished priming the last parts, the first ones were ready to be assembled.

After assembling the elevator control horn to the partially assembled frame, I realized that at some point I had flipped the frame over resulting in the control horn being installed backwards. I had to drill out several rivets and have ordered replacement nylon lock-nuts since I don't want to re-use those after they had been torqued.

Now that I have this issue corrected and completed the frame, I am ready to fit the elevator skins. The instructions say to temporarily assemble the elevator to the horizontal stabilizer to make sure they are in proper alignment before riveting. I will definitely be taking my time with this part to make sure I get it right.

This post is from Patrick's Sling TSi

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Week 3: Elevator Week 3: Elevator