Carl's 4-Place Bearhawk


Side Panel under doors - Pt 2

Using the original poster board pattern I'd created for the left side, I cutout a second piece of 0.025" 2024-T4 aluminum to make the RH side panel. 

I became a bit overconfident and accidentally drilled the radius relief for the bend in the threshold too high. At first I was contemplating "making it work" but then I noticed that while clamping the side panel into place I'd let the piece slip down just a little and now had marginal E.D. on the aft topmost fastener. That made for an easy decision to remake the part.

After cutting out a new piece, I completed the trimming and drilling of fastener holes to my satisfaction. 

I intend to install some metal tube clamps along the lower longeron, aft of the gear strut, to hold these side panels in place. The threshold section will be secured using blind fasteners but I've not yet decided if I'll keep them at #4 rivets or enlarge them to #3's to match all other fasteners being installed.

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12-29-2019 12-29-2019

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1-16-2020 1-16-2020