Carl's 4-Place Bearhawk


Engine Cowling - Pt 6

The RH lower side cowl was located and drilled in the same fashion as the LH. Once it was drilled up, I installed the LH cowl to overlap the RH along the bottom edge and began the initial trimming down to size. I located and marked the centerline of the fuselage onto both cowl sections then removed the cowls and clamped them together on the work bench aligning the centerline marks.

I drew a line between the front and rear centerline marks and established my rivet line. Prior to drilling, I had trimmed some excess of both sections but left over an inch of "buffer" that will need to be removed once the holes are drilled.

Although I do not yet know where my inlet opening will fall, I marked the rivets at a 2" spacing starting at the front and drilled the pilot holes.

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