Carl's 4-Place Bearhawk


Engine Baffles - Pt 1

I purchased the engine baffle kit for the RV-10 from Van's Aircraft and was very impressed with the kit and instructions. Of course, I will have to make some adjustments for the Bearhawk but this kit is a very good starting point.

I began by locating all of the main baffle components onto the engine along with any brackets which pertained to placment of the baffles. I will come back later to rivet on the spacers, stiffners, etc. but my main objective right now is to get the baffles located and trimmed.

I found it necessary to support the engine and remove the LH upper engine Lord mount to install the LH aft baffle and also loosen all valve covers to allow the side baffles to sit flat.

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5-22-2020 5-22-2020

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