Carl's 4-Place Bearhawk


Windshield - Pt 1

I decided to take a break from the engine baffles and trim the windshield. For the actual trimming I used a 90-degree grinder with a 3-inch disk and 60 grit sandpaper. 

I found my windshield could not be located all the way back into the top groove while still mating correctly with the wing LE. I had to move the windshield forward in that groove but made sure I still had 2 inches of windshield inside the groove.

After marking the contour of the cowling onto the windshield lower edge, I started trimming the center section of the windshield and expanded outward little by little until I could line up the sides of the windshield with the mount tabs and the wing LEs.

In my case, the LH flare on the windshield itself did not line up perfectly with the wing despite all my efforts, I have a 1/4" difference where the windhshield flare is inside the wing profile. I've decided to account for this when I build the wing to body fairings.

The rest of the windshield sits flush with the cowling except for the lower aft edges where I have a small gap, which I expected.

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