Carl's 4-Place Bearhawk


Windshield - Pt 6

Today I continued working on the forward retainer for the windshield. I can say it was a mistake to lay up this retiner all in one shot (10 layers at once) rather than applying one layer at a time. Structuraly, the retainer is solid with no delaminations or bubbles but I do have a lot of imperfections in the finish which I believe would have been eliminated with the layer by layer approach.

In the images below, I have already sanded the retainer once to produce a flat, uniform surface, then applied resin mixed with micro ballons to give the resin some "body" and applied that across the surface. After that cured, I sanded it again but am still not happy so I'll repeat these steps. 

Once my retainer has a uniform finish to it, I'll perfect it with surface filler and primer.

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11-29-2020 11-29-2020

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12-15-2020 12-15-2020