Carl's 4-Place Bearhawk


AUX fuel tanks - Pt 1

Today I began working on the wings themselves. My first task was to cutout the opening for the installation of the AUX fuel tank. A friend of mine made a drill guide that had a 90 degree corner with 0.050" wall thicknesses so I could locate the corners of the bay while still leaving a bit of material for final trimming. By doing this, I can be sure not to accidentally cut into the ribs or spars while cutting out the skin.

I started by drilling a #10 hole in each corner of bay 3 (from the outboard end), then flipped the wing over and marked the cut line to the outside edge of each hole. Using a cut-off wheel, I proceeded to cut out the skin. My next step is to trim these cut edges until they are flush with the ribs and the spars.

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