Adam Dickson

Check of Rev 0 wing hinge brackets

The wing hinge brackets WG-AHG-004/006/008/009-L/R-A-0 are all Revision 0, while the current version is Rev 1. From the forum I have learned that the changes may include an adjustment of the bend designed to ensure the tails of the brackets are perpendicular to the rear spar channel. I think I have seen mention of this on some build blogs.

Measurements: outboard depth of wing core: 53cm, inboard depth of wing core 70cm, length of spar 370cm. Inferred angle required of hinge brackets (the ribs are perpendicular to the front main spar) = Arctan((70cm -53cm)/370cm) = 2.6 degrees

Using a carpenter's angle, it is clear the hinge brackets have all been bent consistently. Measurements show Arctan(10mm/186mm carpenter's angle blade rise from hinge) = 3.1 degrees

This last measurement is subject to a small uncertainty, probably a few tenths of a degree.

The relevant distance from the bend line to the aileron/flap bolt position is 10cm. A 0.5 degree error amounts to a lateral position error of 0.8mm. Since all the hinge brackets would have the same positional error, the separation between the hinge bracket tips would not be affected. Clearance with the wing skins would not be significantly affected, either. There remains only the slight angle error of the hinge bracket tips. I note there is a tiny bit of flex in these tips, easily 0.5 degrees, so I do not expect this to be a problem.

Contacting TAF to get a better picture.

Apart from this, the Rev 0 holes were generally slightly undersized, especially the rib 6 hinge. These holes have all been reamed to #11, matching the ribs. Maybe this is in fact the only actual change from Rev 0 to 1.

This post is from Adam Dickson