Adam Dickson

Improving fit of elevator and rudder tips

About a year ago a first pass on determining how the rudder and elevator fibreglass mouldings was done, with some shaping of the trailing tips. These fibreglass items also had a number of bubbles which were (mostly as it turns out) cut out and filled.

The quality fit was revisited. An optimal fit of the elevator and rudder tips was determined, such that any trailing tip fit issues would be solved with flocked epoxy as needed. Holes were made, with care taken to ensure symmetric positioning and orientation of the fibreglass tips. In the event, the fit of the both the elevator and rudder tips needed to be improved, at both the front and particularly the rear tips. The rear tips needed to be built up with flocked epoxy in all cases, as well as lengthened in the case of the elevator in order to reach all the way to the trailing edge of the skin.

This post is from Adam Dickson