Adam Dickson

Rear fuselage replacement rib 9

The original rib 9 structure had issues. The original RF-RIB-902-C-A-6 had the rearmost flange located almost 2.5mm out of position. The angle 6 RF-ANG-006-C-A-1 also had a fold position error. I did assemble this subsystem though, remanufacturing the angle, reforming the rearmost flange adjusting it by about 1.5mm rearwards, and then constructing a doubler from 1mm sheet which wrapped around this flange and corrected the final 1mm or so of error. The result was quite solid, but after consultation with Sling it was decided these parts should be replaced, with revised parts: RF-RIB-902-C-A-7, and RF-ANG-006-C-A-2. The result is a perfect fit to the skins.

Great customer service from Sling.

The following photos show the rebuild, using the replacement parts. The original rib 901 was reused.

In the rebuild I used Duralac yellow on the nutplate rivets.

This post is from Adam Dickson