Adam Dickson

More work on Dynon servo choice: SV32 vs SV42?

Sling confirmed that aircraft out of the factory are configured in the EFIS for 80% maximum applied torque setting, relative to the Garmin GSA28 servo motor capacity (60 in-lbs) meaning 48 in-lbs maximum applied torque. This differs from the 30% figure quoted in a build forum. Inspection of an actual Sling confirmed this 80% setting, as seen below. This immediately points to the use of a Dynon SV42 which has a maximum torque capability of 55 in-lbs, where the EFIS would be configured to 48/55 * 100 = 87% to replicate the maximum of 48 in-lbs applied torque. The Dynon SV32 at 36 in-lbs maximum servo motor capacity, would not be able to meet this spec. Fortunately the SV42 will fit in the available space, and on the exiting mounting.

This post is from Adam Dickson