Adam Dickson

Revisit some rivets in the centre console rib attachments

I had previously upsized some of the 3.2mm rivets attaching the centre console rib seat rail gussets CF-GUS-003 to the rear of the main gear mounting box to 4mm - due to an excessive degree of misalignment (up to 0.7mm in some cases). This mismatch was admittedly aggravated by some shims I employed.

However there was significant misalignment with some of the holes of the front seat rail gussets CF-GUS-004 as well. This could not be blamed on shims. However in some cases this misalignment was up to 0.7mm as well. I match drilled originally, but due to the success of the previous work I decided to upsize all of these to 4mm.

Rivet removal was tricky as before, where I had to punch the mandrel deep into the rivet, nip off the tail, then drill out from the tail end.

This post is from Adam Dickson