Adam Dickson

Rivet front luggage floor

I found the hole alignment of the aftmost 3.2mm holes joining the front luggage floor to the side wall was quite poor, becoming worst at the rear corners, at 1mm. I upsized this and the two holes in front to 4mm making the fitment of this floor much better. But rivetting two 0.4mm thick sheets together with 4mm rivets does not go so well with quite a bit of dishing, so I made shims of 0.8mm thick 6061 to stiffen these corners. I also used an avery wheel to create a significant crease in the exposed aft flange of the front luggage floor. Significant creasing was needed to ensure close contact of the flange edge, and eliminate quite a bit of lifting in places due to residual distortions in this flange. The result was very nice

This post is from Adam Dickson