Adam Dickson

Resolution of fit issue with CF-SKN-004 - part 3 - completion of skin

Photo essay.

I obtained dimensional information from Sling about their updated CF-SKN-004-C-A-2.

For the CF-SKN-004-C-A-2:

  • distance between the main spar carrythough rows is 77.8mm - changed from rev 1 which was 78.8mm
  • distance between the rear main spar carrythough row and the rear hole centres is 152.2mm - seemingly unchanged from rev 1

For my custom skin

  • distance between the main spar carrythough rows is 76.9mm
  • distance between the rear main spar carrythough row and the rear hole centres is 153.2mm

Original (0.5mm sheet) skin, primed weight 1385g

New (0.63mm sheet) skin, primed weight 1715g - weight increase 330g

This post is from Adam Dickson