Adam Dickson

Custom side skin stringer CF-STR-001/2 forward attachment doublers

As seen elsewhere, the CF-STR-001/2 side skin stringers attach to the rear main gear upright angles with flanges offset by 2.4mm. These have two 4mm rivet holes, but the amount of material around the frontmost hole is under 2mm in some cases. I consulted with Sling on this, and they confirmed there was no harm in beefing this up a bit. So I formed from 0.8mm 6061-T6 a stepped doublers that fit inside the ends of these stringers which have a bit more material around the frontmost rivet hole. They also couple the offset flange more closely to the body of the stringer.

In retrospect I think just making strips from 2.4mm (as a spacer to match the step) topped with a flat doubler strip would be better, and I may indeed do this. This is why I have held off drilling the top stitching holes.

This post is from Adam Dickson