Adam Dickson

Plan top skin dimpling and cowling strip countersinking

My plan is to include a recovery parachute. Accordingly some top skin holes need to be dimples and some outer cowling strip FF-STP-001 holes need to be countersunk. Top skins for both the parachute option (comes in 2 sections with slotted holes) and non-parachute option were included in the kit (a single section with normal holes). In the event that I omit the parachute I can use the non-parachute top skin and use a mixture of countersunk and non-countersunk rivets. So I can go ahead and dimple, and countersink, with either scenario in mind.

Of course if I decide not to install a parachute, then no dimpling nor countersinking of the outer cowling strip FF-STP-001 is required

This post is from Adam Dickson