Custom rear-centre fuselage skin joining doubler
Although the edge-centre distance of the upsized and recentered holes joining the centre and rear fuselage joining skins - varying from 8mm to 10mm was not too bad, there was not a lot of margin either. Surprising that there was not two rows of rivets, such as present in the wing skin joins. The CF-STR-001/002 stringers clearly do a lot of the work of providing a strong connection between these skins, being designed to transfer a lot of longitudinal force into the skins. There is also of course the top rail and the bottom skin connection as well. I asked Sling about this, they stated that this skin-skin connection was plenty strong enough. However I could see no harm in strengthening the skin-skin connection if it could be done easily. I proposed a doubler, which would transfer loads just as the stringers do, namely into the respective skins. Such a doubler, enhancing a single row rivet connection into a two-row rivet connection, would offload the ultimate strength required of the stringer connections without actually redistributing the stresses within the airframe.
This post is from Adam Dickson