15 Apr 2023
Deburring and dimpling wing skins
Deburred, dimpled and degreased the left and right lower main wing skins and the right lower wing root skin. Had a little help with some dimpling. One lower wing root skin is damaged, have contacted Sling to request a replacement.
One gotcha: for the main lower wing skin, in the row of 4mm rivets which attach the skin to the main spar, the last hole closest to the root is overlapped by the lower root skin. That hole must NOT be dimpled even though it is 4mm like the others - the spar hole is larger and not countersunk. This is extremely difficult to see on the KAI. I had to very carefully "undimple" that one hole. Why they don't drill it to the correct size, or highlight that it shouldn't be dimpled like some of the inspection cover holes I don't know. Irritating! But it's fixed, luckily.