Gary's Sling TSi

20 Aug 2023

Final rivet left wing flap and aileron, deburring

With some assistance provided by family members, the left wing flap and aileron were final riveted. Correct alignment proved tricky and the KAI approach was not the most helpful. One rivet location really needs to be reconsidered by the factory since there is interference between the rivet and Flap Control Bracket 2 - even shortening the rivet as other builders have suggested does not rectify the problem since it is too close to the skin. The only solution I could find was to carefully drill slightly into the bracket through the rivet hole to create an indentation on the side and then smooth it off and provide a bit more space for the rivet by using a chuck reamer as a bit of a grinder. Coupled with a shortened rivet, I then had a solution.

The flap, aileron and wing root are nicely aligned, both along the trailing edge and the wing underside. However the wingtip - which is meant to be a reference datum for alignment - proved to be an issue since it has a reflex profile which does not align with the aileron trailing edge nor the profile of the aileron. I have queried this with the factory.

Washer notes for future installation of the flap and aileron: aileron outboard (wingtip side) left to right from the rear is thin, thin, 2x thick, thin. The other four are thin, thick, thin, thin.

Deburred and degreased the luggage floor skin. Started deburring one fuselage top skin.

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19 Aug 2023 19 Aug 2023

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23 Aug 2023