Rudder assembly and riveting
Realized I installed the incorrect rivets in the rudder rib-to-spar connection and the lower rudder rib doubler, so I drilled out the rivets and installed the correct ones. Torque-sealed the rudder horn tube nuts. Cleco'd the skin and checked rudder for twist - checked to be within 0.1 deg front to back, so no adjustments were needed. Clamped skin to spar and drilled skin to spar holes. Transfer drilled the rudder horn tab to rib connection and installed 3/16" rivet. Riveted all of the ribs to the skin. Finished transfer drilling the skin to spar connection and riveted rest of the skin. Installed the rudder horn to rudder horn tube after chasing the connection holes. Torqued bolts and secured with loctite.

This post is from Ian's Rans S-21