What kits and options should I purchase?
I have decided to purchase the entire kit in one go, but was debating between the Quick Build Fuselage Assembly or not. Also, what optional kits may I want? I decided against the Quick Build Fuselage Assembly simply so I could have complete knowledge of my airplane. This is my first kit and hope to gain a lot of knowledge about aircraft in general through the process. My family will also be joining me on the build.
I also decided on purchasing the center console kit and sliding seat kit. I will most likely purchase the Wheel Fairings kit at a later date. I decided against the Map Box Option because I feel that there should be better places for simple storage w/o taking up instrument panel space. I decided against the dual control kit, as I think the center Y stick keeps the controls more out of the way when not in use, and shouldn''t take too much to get use to. My daughter does quite a bit of sewing work for a local shop, she would like to try her hand at Upholstery, therefore no Upholstery Kit. I have seen some cheap, cool alternatives for Nav/Strobe lights, so I''m going to skip on that kit. I will need a Towbar, and that kit is cheap.
To help make the decision, I watched a few videos on YouTube to find examples of the sliding seat, and also looked at many pictures of the inside of other peoples CH 750''s to see what the Center Console was like. I also did a bit of planning, in my head, what controls would go on the panel vs. center console.
In the end:
- Airframe Kit
- Finishing Kit
- Complete Tool Kit with Air Drill
- Center Console Kit
- Sliding Seat Option
- Towbar Kit
This post is from Jeremy's 750 Cruzer