Priming the Vertical Stabilizer
Priming with Stewart System products.
I decided to use Stewart System product as they are all waterbased and they are less hazardous compared to traditional zinc chromate primer. I still use zinc chromate primer for small parts using spraying cans.
The preparation done together with my kids started with Ekoclean and scotchbrite, After a good rinsing (check water drops) we applied Ekoetch with scotchbrite pad and waited for 2-3 minutes avoiding drying. Rinsed again with plenty of water. In all steps we used pretty strong latex gloves.
Preparation of Ekopoxy is easy following the instruction. It is very important to mix the Epoxy base WITHOUT the hardener for 10-15 minutes using a mixer as initially is pretty dense.
After preparation and drying (no water is allowed under the Epoxy Primer), we applied the primer and let it dry. We kept some primer for last touches.
Considering that this is my second attempt with a spray gun, i am pretty satisfied.

Rudder Horn
This post is from Paolo's RV-10