Scott's RV-14 Build

Rearranged Garage, Added Shelves

Before I build a plane I need a place to build it. Like many homes in AZ I have neither an attic or basement, so much of our junk is in the 3rd bay of our 3-car garage. Much work needs to be done there before it can be a usable workspace. More lighting, more electrical receptacles, utility sink, an additional workbench and getting rid of decades of married "stuff" that has accumulated. Getting my loving and supportive wife to let go of some of the clutter there will be a challenge. There are boxes that have followed us for 30 years since we met in the Philippines. I have no idea what's in them! Epoxy floors would be nice too but I deem them as "nice to have" vs "must have." A/C will be a must before summer. I'm gonna spend thousands of $$ before I ever drive a single rivet. Time to get to work......

This post is from Scott's RV-14 Build