Scott's RV-14 Build

Inventoried Empennage Kit

I got mail from Vans last Thursday, the day after the empennage crate was delivered that had some nice-to-know paperwork. I had inspected the exterior of the crate when it was delivered and there was no obvious damage. I was going to take my time and inventory it in the next week or so. Since I'm lacking a compressor and tools there seemed no point in opening it. The letter from Vans changed that. You only get 5 business days to make any damage claims with FedEx. So Vans advised inspecting everything in that time frame in case a claim needed to be made. Vans gives you 30 days from delivery to inventory everything and make a claim with them for any missing items. It would have been better to get that mail BEFORE the crate was delivered to better plan my time. Since I was busy at Synergy Friday and Saturday that left me Monday and Tuesday to inspect for damage. It was amazing how Vans had tightly packed that crate with stuff. Since I had to look at everything for damage I decided to do the full inventory just to get it done. It took me a solid 5 hours to methodically go through the 7 page packing list and check off each item, then rebundle all of the subassemblies using painters tape and stack them on my newly installed shelves. The hardware took forever because Vans want you to inspect and count what's in all these little plastic hardware bags. In the end there was no damage and I was missing 4 of 10 special sized rivets. The large sheet metal skins for the tail cone and tail surfaces I put pack in the crate for protection.

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Air Compressor Air Compressor

This post is from Scott's RV-14 Build