Dimpling Lower Wing Skins
The lower, outer wing skins need some slight tweaking along the edge against the fuel tank for proper fit. Deburred and edge prepped it and began the dimpling process. The lap joint modification where the outer skin overlaps the inner skin to provide a nice fit against the fuel tank was completed. Also got the right-side J-channel stiffener dimpled prior to priming it. I plan on priming the skin fay surface rivet lines as well.
I also ordered my Firewall Forward kit today. The lead time is 6 months, longer than I'd realized. Wish I'd ordered it sooner. The Firewall Forward kit is somewhat overlooked since its not part of the 4 kits that create the airframe. But its critical and at $8400 it has every needed component for the engine. Exhaust, alternator, battery, control cables, baffles, spinner, oil cooler and dozens of other items need to hang the engine.
This post is from Scott's RV-14 Build