Scott's RV-14 Build

Various Firewall Forward Chores

Been doing lots of different things prior to getting the motor mount bolted to the firewall and the landing gear installed. There was some prep work on the motor mount. The six mounting holes needed reaming to .375 and a couple nutplates had to be installed. I had what I thought was a flaw in a weld bead on the back side. Because it's a critical load bearing structure I wanted a second opinion. I took some photos and measurements and sent it off to Van's Tech Support for an opinion. They opined there were no issues and to build on. Good. From there it was on to the landing gear legs. The lower axle fittings needed to be bolted on after careful reaming of the mounting holes to .375 to insure a tight bolt fit. I also test fitted the gear legs to the motor mount sockets making sure I'd have no issues there. I finished up the firewall cable guide by deburring the aft firewall, not an easy task due to stainless steel and accessibility behind the rudder pedals. Mixed up a small amount of Proseal and got it bolted on and torqued. Today I assembled both wheel/tire combos. Like many aircraft it uses a split wheel and inner tube. The valves stem is oriented with the red dot on the tire which indicates the tires lightest point. Wheel weights are not used for balance like a car. The tire/tube was assembled, making sure not to pinch the tube between the two wheel halves. Then the bearings were cleaned and packed with grease. Grove, the wheel/brake manufacturer, recommends Aeroshell 22 grease for the bearings. Not cheap at $30 a tube. I imagine what I've got will last years.

This post is from Scott's RV-14 Build