Scott's RV-14 Build

Dimple Die Frustrations

Breaking dimple dies in the C-Frame

Today was the first real setback I've experienced. I'm sure its not the last. I was working away on the vertical stabilizer and had reached a point where it was time to start dimpling skins. The C-frame table I made earlier showed its worth today for the first time. A useful tool. I was methodically dimpling the skin and the dimples all seemed good. Even, consistent and symetrical. 3 good whacks with the ball peen hammer while listening for that tone change. And then I noticed that the female dimple die had fallen from the holder. Upon inspection it had broken just below the o-ring. The broken part remained inside the shaft but there appeared to be plenty of room inside for other dies. The cause was not readily apparent. Aggravated that building was going to be interrupted I texted a local buddy also building an RV-14 to get his take. He'd never seen one break but graciously offered to let me borrow his female die until Cleaveland could ship me a new one. He also generously loaned me his fuselage stand that he no longer needed as his plane is on its gear. Reinvorgorated after seeing his progress and with new die in hand I resumed dimpling. 20-30 dimples later the nipple broke off the male die. Just shoot me. Something is obviously wrong with the alignment of my dies in the C-Frame but after viewing Cleaveland Tools YouTube video on that very subject I didn't see anything wrong. I did notice excessive play in the die holder base but having never used one I don't know if that's normal. So I've sent an email to Cleaveland Tools with pictures and videos describing my problem and requesting new dimples dies with expedited shipping. Hopefully with their advice I can sort out the problem and get back to building soon. In the meantime I'll look for tasks I can complete without dimpling.

This post is from Scott's RV-14 Build