Tyler's 2nd Sling TSi

Day 20

Fuel Tank Installation

After letting the sealant cure, we leak tested the fuel tanks again. This time there were zero leaks in all four tanks we built! Now we were able to move on to installing them onto the wings.

First, we installed the mounting angles for the long-range tanks. We then mounted the long-range tanks onto the wing spars using cleco's. Once we had them properly aligned and the mounting angles bolted on we then rivet the tanks on. After they were mounted, we then bent and installed the Bundy fuel lines that run along the wing spars to the root.

After finishing the long-range tanks, we cleco'ed the main tanks onto the wing spars, starting at the root and moving outwards to insure proper alignment. We were very pleased with the ease in which they aligned. This meant that we had done a good job when we sealed the tanks together. Once everything was aligned and the mounting bolts were in place, we were then able to rivet the main tanks.

Everything lined up and rivet on without issue! Now we will be able to finish up the wing skins.

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Day 19

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