Tyler's 2nd Sling TSi

Day 36

Main Landing Gear

Today we installed the main landing gear. This was one of the smoothest instillations we have had yet on our build. We began by shortening the bolts to the length marked out in the build manual. (About 1/2 inch) We then checked the fitment of the landing gear and it when up in the hole perfectly! Next, we Installed the upper bolts and reinforcement tubes and set the landing gear up on stands to check it alignment again. Once everything was where we wanted, we installed the lower bolts. And without having to use much persuasion, everything went right into place! What a relief and pleasant surprise. We have seen this step be an incredibly difficult portion of the build for others.

Once we had all the bolts torqued properly, we then were able to install the landing gear cover plate onto the bottom of the fuselage. Now with that done, we can set the fuselage onto one table and remove all the foam supports. It's looking like a plane!

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This post is from Tyler's 2nd Sling TSi

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