Tyler's Sling TSi

Day 91

Wing Tip

Riveted the right wing tip today.

It was much the same process as the previous one, other than a few minor differences. This time we Cleco’ed the last rib (rib14) in place instead of riveting it in first. We did this because we needed the rib again after aligning the wing tip to mark out the holes at the rear of the tip. This process was more difficult when trying to use a tie strap to hold the tip in place because where the strap would have ran was where the cleoco’s were. There was little choice though. On the previous wing we used this rib as the template. On this wing we did not have that as an option.

This also made marking the holes at the rear slightly more difficult because the rib has to be inverted to get the holes to line up. We ended up running a straight line and measuring out each hole on a pice of tape. Then drilled small holes in the composite. Once it was back up on the wing we were then able to clear drill them.

Once all that was accomplished, the rest was the same as before; Drilled, countersunk, Cleco’ed and riveted.

After that was completed we were also able to get the flap and aileron mounted and a straight line ran.

Tomorrow we will work on the alignment of the flap and aileron.

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