Tyler's Sling TSi

Day 219 & 220

Tail Wiring and Wing Paint Preparation

We have been working to get the tail section wired and ready for final installation once the fuselage is painted.

We wired and mounted the trim servo in the elevator. This required drilling, countersinking and riveting some anchors and bolting the servo to the mounting plate.

We have also wired the plugs for the horizontal stabilizer.

We have started the wiring for the vertical stabilizer and rudder. There is a beacon light and VOR antenna that mount on the top of the rudder. We had to go get some M3x25mm countersunk bolts to hold the light. We then installed two M3 rivet nuts into the top of the rudder to hold the beacon light. We hardwired this and routed the wire down where it will plug into the vertical stabilizer where it then runs down and connects to the fuselage wiring.

Today we also removed the wings from the fuselage and have mounted the right wing in the paint booth in preparation for painting. As well we have hung the three sets of wheel spats and the lower engine cowling. Tomorrow we will wipe everything down and get all these parts sealed and painted.

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Day 218 Day 218

This post is from Tyler's Sling TSi

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Day 221 & 222 Day 221 & 222