Will's Sonex Onex

Entry: Sun Oct 27 2019

Finished dimpling the vertical skin. Cleco'ed the assembly to determine best approach for using solid rivets. Determined the rear vertical spar could be removed after the rest of the assembly is cleco'ed in place to gain access to the back side to buck the rivets. Disassembled assembly again and riveted the ribs to the front spar. Riveted the leading edge rib to the front spar. Cleco'ed assembly for riveting. Riveted skin to leading edge rib and rib #3 using AN426 flush rivets.

Note: Opened up the rearmost alignment holes using unibit to allow for easier routing of wires for beacon.

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Entry: Sat Oct 26 2019 Entry: Sat Oct 26 2019

This post is from Will's Sonex Onex