Carl's 4-Place Bearhawk


Verifying wing locations - Pt 2

I placed the wing jigs into position and supported both wings, then after verifying the aircraft was still level and the RH wing was still at 1.15 degrees dihedral, I removed the upper strut bolt on the LH wing and adjusted the jig until I obtained the 1.15 dihedral needed to match the RH wing.

A friend from work had also suggested using a string streched from wingtip to wingtip over the front spar and taking measurements at the wing root to verify the dihedral. This technique worked quite well and both wing root measurements were identical.

I tried the water level method again and still was not successful obtaining the same readings between each wing, it is frustrating because I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. At any rate, I am confident the dihedral is correct now.

Next, I removed the LH strut and then removed the two straps mounted to the front spar.

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8-26-2020 8-26-2020

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