Carl's 4-Place Bearhawk


Verifying wing locations - Pt 3

Before purchasing this project, I had been scratch-building the wings and had a set of new straps that were undrilled. 

A friend from work (machinist) helped transfer the existing holes common to the spar onto the new straps and also made a #30 drill guide for this application.

I mounted the new straps onto the spar and reinstalled the strut in place by installing the lower attach bolt and clamping the the upper fitting onto the new straps. With my digital level, I verified my dihedral was still showing 1.10 degrees then I drilled the #30 pilot holes through the straps. 

I then removed the strut and the straps and gave the new straps back to my firend who brought the pilot holes up to final size.

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8-30-2020 8-30-2020

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