Carl's 4-Place Bearhawk


Engine Stand - Pt 2

After mounting the firewall and engine mount to the automotive stand, I was able to hang the engine. The discerning eye will note the engine seems to sit a bit nose low... it does. :( When building the frame to hang this engine, I forgot to take into account the 6 degree tilt the fuselage has which leaves the engine at the proper thrust angle. Fortunately for me, it does not matter in the least! :)

I then proceeded to install the engine cowling and can now complete all final adjustments and rivet the cowl together. 

I also plan to start assembling or mocking up various bits of the FWF setup while I continue to work on the rest of the project.

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3-18-2021 3-18-2021

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4-1-2021 4-1-2021