Adam Dickson

Grip range of 4.8mm Avinox rivets

The 4.8mm Avinox 0BE61-00614 rivets have a grip range of 3.5-6.0mm while the 4mm 0BE61-00512 have a grip range of 3.0-5.0mm. The slightly higher lower limit of 3.5mm of the 4.8mm rivets indicates that the grip requirement of 3.15mm (spar flange) + 0.63mm (fuel tank skin) = 3.78mm is slightly closer to the lower limit of the 4.8mm rivets versus the 4.0mm rivets, although still within the specified range.

I compared the appearance of the tail with an in-spec 3.15mm + 0.63mm + 0.5mm = 4.28mm, an in-spec 3.15mm + 0.63mm = 3.78mm and an out-of-spec 3.15mm only.

The 3.15mm out-of spec configuration had a looser looking tail but not dramatically so. This situation does not arise anyway, but since these rivets are loaded in shear mostly, I am not concern even if this were approached.

This post is from Adam Dickson