Adam Dickson

Pitot and AOA leak testing

Using an adaptation of the feul leakage test jig - installing a 1/4" BSP to 3/16" spur connector - I tested the pitot and AOA air paths for leaks. Duct tape was used to seal the Dynon pitot and AOA main ports, as well as the small drainage holes at the bottom.

2 tests were done, with improved results on the second test due to two layers of tape being used on the pitot tube, applied more tightly.

The second test results showed loss of pressure amounting to less than 1cm after 30 minutes. In fact this variation could be fluctuation, as one result returned to the starting point. This fluctuation could just be due to fluctuating ambient barometric pressure over the test period, note the temperature was a well controlled by an air conditioner.

In any case, the change of pressure was far below that called for by the guideline below, and over a much larger timescale.

The pitot and AOA are deemed leak-free.

This post is from Adam Dickson