Begun deburring
Completed deburring and edge treatment of all elevator and trim-tab parts.
Rivet holes were deburred with a 3 flute bit, aiming to do less rather than more - to rotate the bit not much more than 1/2 turn. Otherwise too much material is removed, reducing the amount the metal butting against the rivet, and maybe weakening the join. I also deburred only the face of the metal with the protruding burr.
Edges were treated with a swivel and/or edge breaker tool. Large holes were treated with a swivel tool. The swivel tool bit was only applied to the face with the protruding burr.
Edges and large holes were then smoothed and shaped with 240 grit alumina paper, and in some cases this was preceded with 120 grit alumina paper if the swivel or edge breaker tool created scalloping. I then finished off the edges with Festool Vlies 320 grid pads (maroon). These are equivalent to Scotchbrite Maroon (red-brown) pads, type 7447.
This post is from Adam Dickson