14 Nov 21 - Chapter 6: Vertical Stabiliser 01-04
So, inspector happy with the workshop and my first attempts at riveting on the practise kits.... And now time to start.
The instructions are very clear, and easy to follow, and the kit fits very well together. I made a hash of fluting VS-707, but got the hang of it by VS 704. Have marked the futing pliers so I also have my indents inwards...doh...
The plans refer to radius sharp edges, but all the ribs were rounded so wasnt sure what to do...The outer skin fitted ok without radiusing anything so left it. It is a bit of faff to get the VS707 rib to line up with the holes, but got there in the end. Then match drill the holes in the skin (gulp)...And then you have to take it all apart and debur, dimple & prime...Will do that another day .....

All finished...and now you take it apart!

Slow and steady, read plans, cleco, match drill....

move cleco, drill, move cleco then drill...

All parts cleco'd together...strange to think one day this will be flying...
This post is from David's RV-14