27 Nov 21 - Chapter 6 : Ready to Prime
Many planes are primed, and my inspector likes it, so I decided to use the Stewart System of EkoClean, then EkoEtch, and then EkoPrime. Seems quite popular on the VAF forums. So after cleaning & etching the parts, I realised i did not have the correct mixing pots & 'stuff', so I defaulted to some Aerosol primers I bought from LAS instead (https://www.lasaero.com/products/article/G03H0GVF9 ). So everything is a nice Cessna green. Came out quite well, but made a heck of a stink in the garage. Used one can on just the Vert Stab, so may be not the best for long term use, and fine for touch ups...

All VS parts cleans and etched and primed ready for priming
This post is from David's RV-14