4 Dec 21 - Chapter 6 - 04,05
Well the first rivet set was a disaster, and was drilled out (thank god i practiced that 'skill'). Walked away for a cup of tea, and rather then using the dreaded gun/bar combo, fiddled with the squeezer & managed to set the rivets. Using this and the two yokes I have, I managed to do the rear spar relatively sucessfully. Note, make sure you triple check which rivet goes where, as quite a few different choices. The Numatz Squeezer wasn't great on the 3/32nd rivets, so stopped again, more tea, and decided to bleed the system. After making a hell of a mess, I figured out I needed more tubing to bleed the system, so onto Amazon. This was more sucessful when I had more tubing (and paper towels). Time will tell if works better.
After clecoing the VS together, it was back to the gun/bar combo. When you get in a rhythm, it works quite well, but hard to see if the rivets are set correctly. Did a few shockers, which were drilled out & couldnt set one rivet after 4 attempts, so admitted defeat, and will come back to it.
VS now finished, so before riveting on the spar, I need the the inspector to sign off, but will finish the rudder first so he has something worthwhile to look at...

Not a great start.....

Finished rear spar assembly & vertical stabiliser ready for rivetting. Note blue tape to prevent me from rivetting somewhere I shouldn't!

I find using the gun and bar on a table quite hard, so fashioned a crude stand so I could lean over and see what I was doing...

Worked quite well, but the bucking bar did scrape off abit of priming.
This post is from David's RV-14