27 Dec 21 - Chapter 7 01 - 07
And onto the rudder & the dreaded trailing edge (TE). After reading some blogs, I decided to use some aluminium angle to help keep the TE straight. I also didn't follow the plans, as wanted to prime everything at once, so assembled the skeleton with clecos. Have to be caerful that the stiffeners & clips are all the right way up...Lots of sharpie notes on the metal, that I need to duplicate after priming. Really struggled getting the flanges of the skins to fix round R-912 & R-903. I had to radius alot more then I thought I would, to get them to fit and even then still quite a tight fit.

Rudder Skeleton

Removing the blue vinyl carefully from the rudder skins...have heard a few horror stories

Drilling some pilot holes for the angle. Could not se how you attach it to the trailing edge without a few holes already drilled...

Had all manner of difficulty to get the top to line up... Quite a few attemopts to get sufficient 'radius' of R-912 & R-903

All the Rudder, ribs, clips, horn etc seperated, filed & deburred. Make sure you label them carefully
This post is from David's RV-14