8 Jan 22 - 07-07 Step 8 - Countersink
After trimming the TE to size, it was time to countersink. Read a few horror stories on this as builders go too far one side & then end up making the hole too big when they countersink the other side. So studying CH05-08 section on countersinking, I countersinked in stages until I reached the depth where the rivet was flush, then added 7 more clicks to countersink to the required depth. I practiced on the TE cutoff, and do have some dimpled templates, and can't see how that this is deep enough for a dimpled skin, but the instructions are clear...I used the trailing edge jig from cleaveland tools. I took my time and checked regularly that the rivet sat correctly. TBH, any deeper then 7 clicks both sides will mean a -4 rivet will fit...I will cleclo everything together to see how it fits before i commit to starting 07-09

This post is from David's RV-14