Gary's Sling TSi

11 Aug 2023

Install left wing tip, USB port and deburring

Primered attach rivets for left wing rib 14, USB port doubler plate and stainless steel reinforcing washers for the wingtip.

Riveted the USB port doubler plate in place, then installed the USB port which fitted nicely in the 28mm hole drilled through the skin and doubler plate to suit it. Used a step drill bit for this purpose and deburring tool to upsize the hole very slightly for a snug fit.

Epoxied reinforcing washers inside wingtip at countersunk holes and one right at the trailing edge for the static wick base. Removed primer on the inside trailing edge hole of rib 14, this will provide conductivity for the static wick to the rest of the wing structure without requiring an additional earth strap. I debated placing the static wick base inside the wingtip cavity with just the tip projecting, but decided against it in case the tip trailing edge strength was compromised. It looks neat enough on the underside.

Pulled the wingtip light wires through the tip, then riveted the tip in place including the static wick base which was countersunk to provide a neater finish. I am not happy with the alignment of the wingtip versus the profile of the adjacent flap and the trailing edge in particular which is reflexed. Will contact tech support to determine how to solve this issue.

Deburred some fuselage components.

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