Gary's Sling TSi

30 Aug - 1 Sep 2024

Install canopy

A big day! After preparing the canopy and fuselage for installation by cleaning the mating surfaces with acetone and applying some additional protective tape (which turned out to be an error - more on that later), the canopy and fuselage were primered with Sika 205 activator and Sika 206 GP primer, which was left to flash off overnight given the ambient temperature.

The canopy was then placed on some wood supports on top of the fuselage and the parachute cables nested into the cable tray. This was tricky since I have the non-parachute rear skins with a parachute cable-equipped canopy, so getting the cables into the cable tray without the normal fuselage cutouts was difficult.

With the help of my wife and daughter (thanks girls!), Sika 295 UV was applied to both the canopy outer skin (sides and top rear) as well as the fuselage (inner skin sides - thick layer) and the canopy was manoeuvred into position then riveted in place and secured at the front with clamps. Unfortunately, the tape I chose (vinyl, to prevent the Sika staining the canopy and paint) had been in position for a few weeks. It turns out that it stuck to the fuselage and canopy way too well - getting it off was a major issue, and impossible with gloves on. Taking my gloves off to pull it off created a huge mess, with my hands being the main unlucky recipient. Sika does not come off easily!

Edge protector was installed for the seatbelts, and the seatbelts loosely fitted into position. I need the AN6 hardware to secure the rear parachute cables to the main spar (not sent by the factory) along with the spacers for the seatbelt bracket where it attaches to the canopy. The front parachute cables were secured to the firewall and engine mount and the M5 nuts torqued and torque seal applied.

The luggage door was riveted onto the fuselage. I tried to bend the tab for the door lock according to the KAI, but it came out incorrectly based on the supplied measurements - it looks like a different part is being supplied now which is shorter than the KAI diagram, so I need a replacement.

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17 & 24 Aug 2024 17 & 24 Aug 2024

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8 Sep 2024 8 Sep 2024