Scott's RV-14 Build

Left Elevator Rear Spar

Started riveting the left rear spar. Got hung up on the upper and lower skin closeout tabs that were not dimpled in spite of the fact that flush pulled rivets are called for there. I scoured the plans thinking I'd forgotten a step but there was no reference to dimpling those 6 holes. Sometimes Van's does things for a certain reason so I didn't want to haphazardly dimple things not called for in the plans. But they clearly needed to be. I finally got onto the VAF Forum and looked under the RV-14 Plan Gotchas thread. Sure enough it was referenced there to #30 dimple those holes in spite of no reference to do so. I pressed on, dimpled the offending holes and proceeded with the spar. I got all the rivets along the hinge line squeezed in and was pleased that the trim tab fell right into place, moving freely with good alignment and no binding.

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Left Rear Spar Ribs Left Rear Spar Ribs

This post is from Scott's RV-14 Build