Scott's RV-14 Build

Verifying Fuselage Construction Steps

I continued the methodical process of going through literally hundreds of construction steps that got my QB fuselage to the point its at now. It was truly money well spent and represents many hundreds of hours of work that I don't have to do. The point is to check that everything has been accomplished per plans, identify anything that hasn't been done and do it, and to familiarize myself with all the components and how things go together. So far I've only run into a few things to actually do. I needed to drill out 6 temporary pulled rivets holding covers to the access holes where the boarding steps go. The steps are optional on the taildragger but I'm installing them. For women and children I think they are vital to prevent anyone from stepping on the flaps which is a no-step area. I've got photos of the steps on the factory RV-14 I flew in Nov 2019 and the plane looks fine with them. I remember using them to board and I've got long legs. I perused the VAF Forum and found no threads of anyone regretting installing them and several threads of those wishing to add them to various RVs. The rivets spun in their holes when I attempted to drill them out. As I do so often I got on the VAF Forum and found a technique to hold the manufactured head with side cutters while drilling to keep it stationary. This worked well and the heads all popped right off. I also final drilled antenna mounting holes on the belly. I proceeded with caution on this. This shouldn't be hard, but my last attempt in the tail cone resulted in an off-center central hole using a step-drill for reasons that weren't clear. So I reviewed YouTube step drill techniques, used lube and proceeded slowly. It all came out fine. I've got multiple rivets to set to fill existing nutplate holes on the belly for fairings around the tri-gear main gear legs that won't be used. I'm gonna get my wife to help me buck those. It's easy access for her, a good chance to learn how to buck and easy for me to remove if needed.

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Quick Build Fuselage Quick Build Fuselage

This post is from Scott's RV-14 Build