Scott's RV-14 Build

Rudder Pedals/Brake Lines Installed

A long but productive day. Started out early when my buddy and fellow RV-14 flyer Dan made the long drive over and we quickly completed the 12 rivets securing the two firewall brake couplings. Literally 40 minutes of driving for 10 minutes of riveting. So appreciative of his help because I couldn't do it alone. That task completed I could dive into installing the rudder pedals. That process went pretty smoothly and after some tweaking on the bearing bushing nut torques everything moves smoothly with minimal friction and no play. From there it was installing the brake fluid reservoir on the firewall and then fabricating and installing all the brake lines. I got that task mostly complete with a couple more lines to go. It's satisfying to see major assemblies going into the fuselage.

Previous post:
Brake Coupling Install Brake Coupling Install

This post is from Scott's RV-14 Build